This Hawaiian Monk Seal Conservation Website, created in collaboration with NOAA and The Marine Mammal Center, is a digital platform designed to support the preservation efforts of the critically endangered Hawaiian monk seal. This full stack web application serves as a comprehensive resource for the identification, education, and public engagement regarding the conservation of this unique marine species. The primary objective of the website is to create a user-friendly, educational, and interactive platform that promotes the conservation of the Hawaiian monk seal by providing detailed information, tracking individual seals, and encouraging community involvement. Key features include a robust identification database that allows users to identify individual monk seals based on various markers such as tags, scars, and natural bleaching patterns, comprehensive educational content on the biology, behavior, and conservation status of the Hawaiian monk seal, and tools for community engagement that enable the public to contribute to conservation efforts, report sightings, and participate in community events and volunteer opportunities.
The Hawaiian Monk Seal Conservation Website also empowers citizen scientists to actively participate in conservation efforts. Users can utilize the website to identify monk seals they encounter on the beach by inputting various identification markers such as tags, scars, and natural bleaching patterns. Once a monk seal is identified, the website notifies NOAA scientists, prompting them to visit the site and check on the seal. This ensures that proper legal procedures are followed, including coning off and clearing the area around the monk seal and putting up signs to inform the public and prevent disturbance. This citizen scientist involvement is crucial for the timely protection and monitoring of the monk seals, enhancing the overall effectiveness of conservation efforts.
Unfortunately, I handed over control of the database back to NOAA, which is why only parts of the website can be displayed below.